September 20, 2009


I umm..umm...wasted food twice today.

Mee soup I had for my lunch.
Wow delicious.
I poured out it from the plastic bag into a bowl.
Yay!! Ready to eat!! Mmm~~smells so nice~

I started to mix the bowl of mee soup.

Mix mix mix.............I saw seutas rambut inside the soup lah!
I think is the auntie's hair.


Eww~~ I lost my appetite and refused to eat.

I didn't mean to not to eat it because of the "impurities" but when I think of the impurities~
No way I'm not going to eat it! I already mixed the entire bowl of soup with the impurities, you still want me to eat it?

Although I'd taken it out but it still sticks to the question about psychology thinking.

Well the second story is about the incident during my dinner at the restaurant.
Ordered crab.
Mom watched the show on TV eating crab and she was influenced. That's why we ended up with ordering crabs~

I had the last piece. The legs part.
Hoho. The flesh is juicy and fresh. It made up our dinner. Seldom can eat crabs that fresh, agree?
I treasure every single bite until my crab "fly" away from my hand~T.T
I only use 4 fingers to handle it, that's why.

Man...I haven't even start to eat that one and it already dropped.
Again, wasted.
Impossible you want me to pick it up and eat it again mah! Even though if I wash it.

Part of the shell also "fly" to the middle of the walking path, luckily no one stepped on it. Haha~

A lot of things can happen when you're eating crabs.

1st, the flesh may drop on the table or the floor.
2nd, you get a scratch when you're struggling with the hard shell.
3rd, small pieces or "zap" may fly to your face/neck and dirty your shirt when you're getting rid of the shell.
4th, fly to somebody elses.
5th, sound pollution. "cock cock cock........"

Hehe x)


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