November 21, 2009

These are the answers for the previous post~
Some idiot go and google the question zzz.......=.=

Q: What do giraffes have that no other animals have?
A: Baby giraffes.

Q: Which two words have the most letters?
A: Post office.

Q: A man get up from his table in a restaurant and wrote this number on a paper for the waiter. What does it mean? *1004180*
A: I owe nothing for I ate nothing. (Look into the numbers)

Q: Is it better to have a lion to eat you, or a tiger?
A: It is better to have a lion to eat the tiger. Not you. (just study the question if you don't get it XD)

Q: How many times you can subtract 2 from 9?
A: Once. Because after that it is 7!

Q: What is the colour of the middle traffic lights?
A: Amber. Not yellow.

What do these mean??? o.O"
7. 88 PK - 88 piano keys

8. 12 S of the Z - 12 Signs of the Zodiac

9. 11 P in a FT - 11 Players in a Football Team

10. 3 BM (SHTR) - 3 Blind Mice (See How They Run)

11. 9 P in the SS - 9 Planets in the Solar System

12. 24 H in a D - 24 Hours in a Day

For more, can visit here! Challenge yourself =D
I did but not all I know. =(

Give one word for :
13. performs on the stage - Actor

14. is not married - Single

15. fluent speaker - Orator

16. professional killer - Assasin

17. remains alive after shipwreck/air crash - Survivor

18. people owe him money - Creditor

Hehe.......... =D


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