November 25, 2009

About The Hol's

Hmm... I always forgot what I wanna post. Zzz...
Forget it. Ah!

Okay so, I realized I'm fat fat fat already!!!
So went for a jog yesterday. =) Oh, and a bicycle ride.
Saw a few chinese leng zai at the football field. =X *oh no*
Waiting for the stadium to open only. Then! I can go for badminton whenever I want to!
I love badminton =O
It's just a stone's throw from my house.

Hmm I also discovered my dog(hamsap dog) thin already~
His fat must be given to my tummy huh? ==
He's so thin until I can see his pelvic so obviously!! Omg!!
But he has a lot of muscle~ lol musculaaarrr.
Why he became so thin???

And I wanna watch New Moon and 2012..T.T
I always don't have the chance to watch. Sad =(
Actually planned to go for a movie with Tsu Liang, Fiona and Edwin.
We couple up Fiona and Edwin. How funny =X We're not evil k. Don't chop me btw.
Too bad Fiona is "unavailable" on December and "the two guy" don't have any transport. ==

Hope my de gor(hokkien) group can go out this weekend.
I miss them!!!~.~
They must be having fun in Genting Highlands now. Pity me that I can't go!!! T.T


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